I get an "Access is Denied" error when trying to view a mapped share on a network filer. (Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64)
I get an "Access is Denied" error when trying to view a mapped share on a network filer (NetApp), however I can browse the mapped share using a command prompt without issue. Other mapped shares are working to the same filer. Only difference is, the other share names are either all uppercase or all lowercase. The one I'm having issues with is Capital first letter, the rest is lowercase, if that matters. This is only an issue with Windows 7 computers, not with Windows XP computers. Domain Users and Authenticated Users have Read/List Folder contents rights on the folder itself. The share has Everyone with Full Access. When I log into a computer with Domain Admin rights, I can double click the mapped drive and it works. With a regular domain user, it gives the "Access is Denied" error. Any ideas would be appreciated.
April 15th, 2011 5:56pm

Actually, this was not the issue. Turned out to be the "Traverse" right was missing for the Domain Users. Now in Windows 7, it seems having the "List" right is not enough, you also need "Traverse" to view folders using Windows Explorer. Please note, using a DOS prompt in Windows 7 to view the files and folders still works as it does in Windows XP. You only need to add the "Traverse" right if you want to browse folders with the Windows Explorer. It also too over 30 hours to apply the "Traverse" right to the one folder. I made sure to tell it to add the right to only the folder and NOT any subfolders. It still went through all the sub folders. Why, I don't know. This really needs to be addressed, as it not only slows down our NetApp filer, but it makes changing root folder permissions a weekend outage.
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April 25th, 2011 10:52pm

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